This short course covers the fundamentals of the Openstack IAAS (Infrastructure As A Service) solution used for creating a private cloud. It starts with a general cloud primer and the main cloud types ( IAAS - Infrastructure As A Service, PAAS - Platform As A Service, SAAS – Software As A Service) continuing with the origin and main features of Openstack, its architecture and core building blocks. An important part of the training is the demonstration of the basic features and operation of an Openstack system.
Supported Distributions:
Course Outline:
- General Cloud Primer
- Origin and history of OpenStack
- Main features of OpenStack
- OpenStack Architecture
- Core Building Blocks
- Controller node
- Nova compute node
- Neutron network node
- Ceilometer for metering resource usage
- Heat for cloud orchestration
- Swift Object Store
- Demonstration of the Basic Features and Operation of an Openstack Private Cloud