
LPIC-2 Exam Prep (Course 1)

LPI201 - LPIC-2 Exam Prep (Course 1)

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This course prepares students to take the LPI 201 exam of the LPIC-2 certification. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the go-to certification body for vendor independent Linux certifications. This course covers more advanced Linux skills such as system management and networking. Students will feel confident taking the LPI LPIC-2 201 exam with in classroom assessments and practice exams.

Current Version: E00


LPIC-1 certification or LPI101 "LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 1)" and LPI102 "LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 2)".

Supported Distributions:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11

Course Outline:

  1. Capacity Planning
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Troubleshooting Resource Usage
    3. Gathering System Info
    4. Viewing Processes
    5. Process Management Tools
    6. Troubleshooting Processes: top
    7. uptime
    8. lsof and fuser
    9. System Status - Memory
    10. System Status - I/O
    11. System Status - CPU
    12. Performance Trending with sar
    13. Graphing SNMP Data with MRTG
    14. Nagios Overview
    15. Nagios Configuration
    Lab Tasks
    1. Process Management and Job Control Basics
    2. Nagios (Web Interface)
  2. Boot Process and SysV Init
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Booting Linux on PCs
    3. GRUB Configuration
    4. Boot Parameters
    5. /sbin/init
    6. System Init Styles
    7. Linux Runlevels
    8. /etc/inittab
    9. /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
    10. SUSE /etc/init.d/boot
    11. Runlevel Implementation
    12. Typical SysV Init Script
    13. The /etc/rc.local File
    14. The /etc/init.d/*.local Files
    15. Managing Daemons
    16. Controlling Service Startup
    17. Controlling Service Startup
    18. Shutdown and Reboot
    Lab Tasks
    1. Boot Process
    2. GRUB Command Line
    3. Basic GRUB Security
    4. Recovering Damaged MBR
    5. Introduction to Troubleshooting Labs
    6. Troubleshooting Practice: Boot Process
  3. System Recovery and Bootloaders
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Diagnostic/Recovery Runlevels
    3. Rescue Procedures
    4. Recovery: mount & chroot
    5. Recovery Examples
    6. Recovery: Network Utilities
    7. GRUB 2
    8. LILO Options
    9. LILO Configuration
    10. SYSLINUX
    11. Network Booting with PXE
    Lab Tasks
    1. Recovery Runlevels
    2. Recovering Damaged MBR
    3. Recover from Deleted Critical Files
    4. Using SUSE Auto Repair Mode
  4. Linux Kernel: Components and Compile
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Why Compile?
    3. Getting Kernel Source
    4. Preparing to Compile
    5. Configuring Kernel Compilation Options
    6. Available Kernel Compile Options
    7. Compiling the Kernel
    8. Install Compiled Kernel Modules
    9. Initial ramdisk
    10. Tips and Tricks
    11. Installing the Kernel
    12. Troubleshooting With GRUB
    13. Boot Process Troubleshooting
    14. Troubleshooting: Linux and Init
    15. Hardware Discovery Tools
    16. Configuring New Hardware with hwinfo
    17. Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
    18. Kernel Modules
    19. Handling Module Dependencies
    20. Kernel Modules Troubleshooting
    21. Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
    22. udev
    Lab Tasks
    1. Adjusting Kernel Options
    2. Linux Kernel Driver Compilation
    3. Linux Kernel Compilation
  5. Filesystem Administration
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Filesystem Support
    3. Mounting Filesystems
    4. Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
    5. AutoFS
    6. AutoFS Configuration
    7. Managing Optical Media
    8. Partitioning Disks with fdisk
    9. Partitioning Disks with parted
    10. Filesystem Creation
    11. Extended Filesystem Maintenance
    12. smartmontools
    13. Resizing Filesystems
    14. Managing an XFS Filesystem
    15. Swap
    16. File Encryption With encfs
    17. Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS)
    18. Persistent Block Devices
    19. List Block Devices
    Lab Tasks
    1. Accessing NFS Shares
    2. On-demand filesystem mounting with AutoFS
    3. Hot Adding Swap
    4. Creating ISO Images for Backups
    5. smartd and smartctl
    6. LUKS-on-disk format Encrypted Filesystem
  6. LVM & RAID
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Logical Volume Management
    3. Implementing LVM
    4. Creating Logical Volumes
    5. Manipulating VGs & LVs
    6. Advanced LVM Concepts
    7. system-config-lvm
    8. SLES Graphical Disk Tool
    9. RAID Concepts
    10. Array Creation with mdadm
    11. Software RAID Monitoring
    12. Software RAID Control and Display
    Lab Tasks
    1. Creating and Managing a RAID-5 Array
    2. Creating and Managing LVM Volumes
  7. Adjusting Storage Device Access and iSCSI
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Tuning with hdparm
    3. SCSI Devices
    4. Remote Storage Overview
    5. Remote Filesystem Protocols
    6. Remote Block Device Protocols
    7. iSCSI Architecture
    8. Open-iSCSI Initiator Implementation
    9. iSCSI Initiator Discovery
    10. iSCSI Initiator Node Administration
    11. Mounting iSCSI Targets at Boot
    12. iSCSI Multipathing Considerations
    Lab Tasks
    1. iSCSI Initiator Configuration
  8. Client Networking
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Linux Network Interfaces
    3. Ethernet Hardware Tools
    4. Network Configuration with ip Command
    5. Configuring Routing Tables
    6. IP to MAC Address Mapping with ARP
    7. Network Configuration with ip Command
    8. Starting and Stopping Interfaces
    9. Enabling IPv6
    10. Linux Wireless Extensions and Tools
    11. Wireless Tools Discovery
    12. NetworkManager
    13. system-config-network-{tui,cmd}
    14. SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
    15. Network Diagnostics
    16. Information from netstat and ss
    17. Discovering Reachable Services
    18. nmap
    19. Netcat
    20. tcpdump and wireshark
    21. Networking Troubleshooting
    22. Networking Troubleshooting
    Lab Tasks
    1. Basic Client Networking
    2. Wireless Fundamentals
    3. NMAP
  9. System Maintenance
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. System Messaging Commands
    3. Controlling System Messaging
    4. Archives with tar
    5. The gzip Compression Utility
    6. The bzip2 Compression Utility
    7. Comparing File Changes
    8. Compiling/Installing from Source
    9. Tape Libraries
    10. Backup Software
    11. Backup Examples
    Lab Tasks
    1. Command Line Messaging
    2. Archiving and Compression
    3. Using tar and cpio for Backups
    4. Using rsync and ssh for Backups