
LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 2)

LPI102 - LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 2)

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This course prepares students to take the LPI 102 exam of the LPI level 1 certification. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the go to certification body for vendor independent Linux certifications. This course covers fundamental Linux skills such as file management and manipulation, text processing, command line use, package management, filesystems, hardware, and many more. Students will feel confident taking the LPI LPIC-1 102 exam with in classroom assessments and practice exams.

Current Version: E02


Course: LPI101 "LPIC-1 Exam Prep (Course 1)" or knowledge and experience equivalent to the LPI101 course.

Supported Distributions:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11

Course Outline:

  1. Account and Security Administration
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. User and Group Concepts
    3. User Private Group Scheme
    4. User Administration
    5. Modifying Accounts
    6. Group Administration
    7. Password Aging
    8. Limiting Logins
    9. Default User Files
    10. su and Wheel
    11. sudo
    12. Setting Resource Limits via ulimit
    Lab Tasks
    1. User and Group Administration
    2. Restricting superuser access to wheel group membership
    3. User Private Groups
    4. Setting Limits with the pam_limits Modules
  2. Customizing the Shell and Writing Simple Scripts
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Bourne sh: Configuration Files
    3. Script Execution
    4. bash: Configuration Files
    5. Shell and Environment Variables
    6. Bash Shell Options
    7. bash: "shortcuts"
    8. bash: prompt
    9. Nesting Commands
    10. Shell Script Strengths and Weaknesses
    11. Example Shell Script
    12. Positional Parameters
    13. Input & Output
    14. Doing Math
    15. Comparisons with test
    16. Exit Status
    17. Conditional Statements
    18. Flow Control: case
    19. The for Loop
    20. The while and until Loops
    21. Functions
    Lab Tasks
    1. Bash Login Scripts
    2. Writing a Shell Script
  3. Automating Tasks
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Automating Tasks
    3. at/batch
    4. cron
    5. The crontab Command
    6. crontab Format
    7. /etc/cron.*/ Directories
    8. Anacron
    Lab Tasks
    1. Adding System cron Jobs
    2. Creating and Managing User Cron Jobs
  4. Networking
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. IPv4 Fundamentals
    3. TCP/UDP Fundamentals
    4. Enabling IPv6
    5. Linux Network Interfaces
    6. Ethernet Hardware Tools
    7. Configuring Routing Tables
    8. Network Configuration with ip Command
    9. Starting and Stopping Interfaces
    10. system-config-network-{tui,cmd}
    11. SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
    12. DNS Clients
    13. Network Diagnostics
    14. Information from netstat and ss
    15. nmap
    16. Netcat
    Lab Tasks
    1. Basic Client Networking
    2. Configuring IPv6
  5. X Window System
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. The X Window System
    3. X Modularity
    4. X.Org Drivers
    5. Starting X
    6. Configuring X Manually
    7. Automatic X Configuration
    8. Automatic X Configuration – SLES
    9. Xorg and Fonts
    10. Installing Fonts for Modern Applications
    11. Installing Fonts for Legacy Applications
    12. The X11 Protocol and Display Names
    13. Display Managers and Graphical Login
    14. X Access Control
    15. Remote X Access (historical/insecure approach)
    16. Remote X Access (modern/secure approach)
    17. Customizing X Sessions
    18. Starting X Apps Automatically
    Lab Tasks
    1. Configure X Security
    2. Customize X Components
    3. Launching X Apps Automatically
    4. Secure X
  6. Accessibility and Localization
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. GNOME Accessibility Support
    3. Internationalization & Localization
    4. Character Encodings
    5. Locales
    6. Setting the Time Zone
    Lab Tasks
    1. GNOME Accessibility
    2. Character Encoding Conversion
    3. Locale Configuration
    4. Time Zone Configuration - Traditional Method
    5. System Clock Configuration - Distribution tools
    6. System Clock Configuration - Distribution tools
  7. Time, Logging, and Printing
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Hardware and System Clock
    3. Managing Network-Wide Time
    4. Continual Time Sync with NTP
    5. Configuring NTP Clients
    6. System Logging
    7. /etc/rsyslog.conf
    8. Log Management
    9. Common UNIX Printing System
    10. Defining a Printer
    11. Standard Print Commands
    Lab Tasks
    1. NTP Client Configuration
    2. Printing
    3. Configuring Print Queues
    4. Printer Configuration with YaST
  8. MTA and SQL Fundamentals
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Popular SQL Databases
    3. SELECT Statements
    4. INSERT Statements
    5. UPDATE Statements
    6. DELETE Statements
    7. JOIN Clauses
    8. SMTP
    9. SMTP Terminology
    10. SMTP Architecture
    11. Sendmail Architecture
    12. Sendmail Components
    13. Postfix Features
    14. Postfix Architecture
    15. Postfix Components
    Lab Tasks
    1. SQL with Sqlite3
    2. Configuring Sendmail
    3. Configuring Postfix
  9. Host Security and Encryption
    1. LPI Objectives Covered
    2. Controlling Logins
    3. Xinetd
    4. TCP Wrappers
    5. /etc/hosts.{allow,deny} Shortcuts
    6. Advanced TCP Wrappers
    7. Secure Shell
    8. ssh and sshd Configuration
    9. Accessing Remote Shells
    10. Transferring Files
    11. Alternative sftp Clients
    12. SSH Key Management
    13. ssh-agent
    14. GPG – GNU Privacy Guard
    Lab Tasks
    1. Securing xinetd Services
    2. Enforcing Security Policy with xinetd
    3. Securing Services with TCP Wrappers
    4. Introduction to ssh and scp
    5. SSH Key-based User Authentication
    6. Using ssh-agent
    7. File Encryption with GPG