
GL180 - OpenShift Fundamentals

Upcoming GL180 Classes

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This course covers the core knowledge of OpenShift fundaments. The topics covered include containers, orchestration, storage, networking, and application deployment.


Competence with Linux is essential. This includes experience with the command line, editing files, system command, and basic scripting. These skills are covered in the GL120 "Linux Fundamentals" course.

Supported Distributions:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

Course Outline:

  1. Container Technology Fundamentals
    1. Application Management Landscape
    2. Image Fundamentals
    3. OverlayFS Overview
    4. Container Fundamentals
    5. Application Isolation
    6. Resource Measurement and Control
    7. Container Security
    8. Open Container Initiative
    9. Pod Fundamentals
    10. Podman
    Lab Tasks
    1. Container Concepts runC
    2. Container and Pod Fundamentals
  2. Managing Images
    1. Podman Images
    2. Podman Configuration
    3. Managing Images with Skopeo
    4. Save/Load Images
    5. Committing Changes
    6. Containerfile
    7. Caching
    8. Building Images with Buildah
    9. Containerfile Instructions
    10. ENV and WORKDIR
    11. Running Commands
    12. Getting Files into the Image
    13. Defining Container Executable
    15. Best Practices
    16. Multi-Stage builds with Containerfile
    Lab Tasks
    1. Containerfile Fundamentals
    2. Optimizing Image Build Size
  3. Managing Pods
    1. Container Lifecycle
    2. Pod Lifecycle
    3. Podman and Pods
    4. Podman Volumes
    5. Podman Networking
    Lab Tasks
    1. Podman
    2. Podman Networking
    3. Podman and Pods
    4. Podman Container at Boot
  4. Orchestration
    1. Kubernetes Architecture
    2. Cluster Communication
    3. Objects
    4. Object Properties
    5. Labels & Selectors
    6. Annotations
    7. Object Management
    8. Openshift Overview
    9. DEMO: Openshift Web Console
    Lab Tasks
    1. Openshift CLI Basics
    2. Openshift GUI Basics
    3. Working With Yaml
  5. Storage
    1. Storage
    2. Volume Types
    3. ConfigMaps
    4. Secrets
    5. Openshift Data Foundation
    Lab Tasks
    1. DEMO: Dynamic Storage
    2. ConfigMaps and Secrets
  6. OpenShift Networking
    1. Network Overview
    2. Service Discovery & CoreDNS
    3. Container Network Interface (CNI)
    4. Services
    5. Ingress Objects
    6. Openshift Networking
    7. Routes
    Lab Tasks
    1. Port-Forwarding
    2. Openshift Routes
  7. Deploying Applications on OpenShift
    1. Source to Image
    2. Build Configs
    3. Image Streams
    4. Deployment Config
    Lab Tasks
    1. (DEMO) —CLI— Deploy GitLab with Persistent Storage
    2. Deoploying Applications in OpenShift